The Gift of Tai Chi to the world in 2021
By Master Choy
Stick to the painful ill self
As the river flows with every stone and rock thrown at her
Tai Chi is non judgmentally teaching every movement is for you to learn to grow
Every challenge you face in 2021 is an opportunity to transform into golden wisdom
Fearful Selves within you humbly bow to Tai Chi
The circular flow of arms and legs can be like the merciless hurricane tsunami waves or
the lessons of balancing yin and yang to emerge into Tao
Fire and Floods are fiery teachers and stormy beings
to show us we are one with nature elements
We can humbly walk on his beautiful Mother Earth and appeal to her to help us unlearn our arrogant ways
It’s not too late to swim with the tides of change
Come and learn Tai Chi with me while I have still some time
Love Tai Chi with all your heart body mind spirit
Hope to see you this year and transmute the inner battle fields into magical gardens filled with fruits of smiling peace, love, healing, joyful prosperity and harmony !
Happy 2021
Happy Sunshine from inner light to ALL