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Happilizing Moments of Aisling

A great signpost for everyone who has yet to discover why the Happilization Centre is here in the valley surrounded by majestic mountains and the river flowing into the Centre. Thank you Aisling for this momentous turning point of insight and inspiration.

Dear Master Choy,

Words will not do justice to how grateful I feel for this weekend just as words will not do justice to the difference in me from before and after coming to the school last week. 

When you share I listen. 

As I have personally witnessed and experienced how transformational your teaching is on a heart, body mind and spirit level. And I believe you. 

I know by your words and example, you are living and practicing what you preach and reaping the tremendous benefits. 

I have only to see how you transformed the deluge initiation, being with the water, flowing with the water and Mother Nature and accepting the negatives to bring such positive and creative solutions as I have personally witnessed these last few days.

Thank you for helping me to see this. I feel so fortunate and grateful to be able to be here. 

Right now and right here this is the right place. All the lessons are coming to transform and test and change our lives forever. 

So many aha moments in what you shared this weekend,  I don’t know where to begin. 

The realisation that all my life it has been about pleasure and how tied to comfort I have been even to the extent of trying to give this to others. Running away from this lesson of discomfort means I do not  growth of my inner world and the return to the source. Not really believing in myself, sabotaging myself with inaction and confusion between my head, heart and gut. 

Yes I am a coward. All my life I have been a coward.

 I see now I have and am surrounded by cowards and how this way of life is dressed up to seem normal, desirable even in some cases. I have seen so many self help books which help one to escape to find comfort and pleasure, “what to do” to have the perfect life. 

But standing at the stake in front of the mountains, everything was stripped away to just that moment. Simplicity yet so much coming to me. 

The mountains are so still yet the sunlight dances over the ridges and peaks. 

The mountains are so still and silent yet the river constantly flows with such loud force and ever moving and changing vitality. 

The mountain peaks are so bare and barren yet the trees and earth are bursting with green abundance and life within.

The air was still then strong gusts would come, smoke from the fire behind enveloping me. 

In what one might call a calm, peaceful scene there is a raging flood of emotions and feelings welling up in me. But I am so still and calm and accepting. I rejoice that for this one and a half hours I can just simply be. 

Yes, there were times thoughts flooded my mind but like the river keeping me loving company these drifted away. 

My limbs felt supported by my feet and centre. My feet felt as rooted as the mountains yet the blood flowed around my body like the river gushing beside me. 

It felt so right to be here, right now and what you shared about courage came to me. 

Courage to face the truth in every moment, especially the ones I find most uncomfortable. Also as you shared this weekend to share this truth with love not just to others but to myself.  I have no idea if I am strong enough but I really want to try.

To feel the beloved I will allow myself to BE LOVED. I feel the loving support of the mountains, accepting me and holding me as in a cocoon.

My arms felt as if I was holding a giant ball of buzzing lightness that went in to me and all around me, growing from me the centre of me which is united with the centre of all. 

I feel the roundness of my heart beating and my whole being from my head to the soles of my feet.  I felt so happy, simply happy. 

I thank you most humbly for the gift of these days, for everything. 

From chi service to the classes and simply for the chance to be a witness, to see for myself how this Centre is going to transform this world and the world of future generations. 

For the gift of the one to one, thank you for your direct honesty and wisdom, I feel so fortunate and blessed to receive. 

For the guidance you gave me about returning to the source, about leadership and courage, you show the way and once again it is up to me to act. 

For the gift of stillness you revealed to me in the mountains. You give me the incentive to keep searching for this stillness and show me a way to go to this stillness, in nature. I will do my best to continue with seeking stillness in my daily life. 

Thank you Master Choy. With love, light and joy I thank you. 

Loving Chi


6th of November 2018

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