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Choy with Master Chen Qingzhou
Rainbow T’ai-Chi Chi Kung has been developed by Peter Chin Kean Choy, founder and chief instructor of the Happilization Centre & Rainbow T’ai-Chi-Chi Kung School and Chi Self-healing Centre.

Master Choy studied T’ai-Chi Chi Kung with grandmaster Huang Sheng Shyang of Malaysia. Master Choy also learned the application of T’ai-Chi Chi Kung with his father, Chin Ket Leong, who was a Chinese herbal doctor and martial arts master. He was given the title of Master Choy by grandmaster Chen of Chen village in China after training with him in the original Tai Chi ancient art of iron ball Tai Chi .

He learned the Taoist sciences with Mantak Chia in Thailand and the Option process at the Option Institute, Massachussetts, USA. Choy also spent time with Jiddu Krishnamurti and U G Krishnamurti in India, finding a unique, heart-centred way of applying his T’ai-Chi Chi Kung to daily life. He has trained with Dr T K Shih of the Chi Healing Centre, USA and Dr Pang of the Zhineng Chi Kung Centre in China.

He combined his experience of T’ai-Chi Chi Kung with other Taoist exercises to develop the Rainbow T’ai-Chi Chi Kung practice and philosophy. He has led weekly classes and workshops on T’ai Chi Chi Kung and the Taoist arts for more than 40 years. Choy is also the founder of the Trilogue/thanking process and the aqua tai chi practices.

Master Choy's Mission


“I have come not for the young or old. I have come to awaken the ancient beings within my people. There are those who have been sleeping for thousands of years and now is the ripe time for the awakening of the masters within you. This is initiation of the ancient ones. The Masters of Light shall walk upon this earth again. I have come not for the few or the many, just the ones who need to be near me to find their inner spark alight. So much lightness of their feet await them, the calling of their hearts shall hear my heart beat song, their ears shall hear the silent ones beckoning them to fountains of healing joy, laughter is the signature sound for us to come together and the voyage home to the source is simple and natural. I am here to bring home my brothers and sisters of light back to their health, smiles, plenitude, peace and wisdom. “

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